For 25 years, he operated a select store in his hometown at the foot of Mt. Fuji, where he pursued how he could best connect the feelings of the giver and the receiver, which led to the development of original celebration packaging.From this process, "Manahana," a ceremonial flower arrangement to celebrate each milestone in life, was born.

和紙や金糸・銀糸使ったoriginal costume jewelryやウエディングブーケ、ヘッドドレスを制作。また、神戸などで創作和紙アートのワークショップを開催。
Mainly ceremonial flowers created by Artirt and Washi paper, stage objects, store decorations, and space production for events, etc.
Creates original jewelry and wedding bouquets made of washi paper. Also holds creative washi art workshops in Kobe and other cities.

- Mana*hana-